Thursday, February 5, 2009


I started this today. I time and Bob kicked my butt. Hopefully this will get easier and create some results.

Not much to blog about. Hope all is well with all!!


Missy said...

My friend and I do that every thursday night I love it, it works great. We are going to do a new one tonight.

Travis and Crystal said...

Wow! That sounds like a sweet workout! Have fun with it!!!

Nancy Mc said...

Noew if we could just get Bob to help us with eating the right food...right?

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

It has been a long time since I have looked at blogs. Cute pictures. Good job Jord for the honor roll, go Morgan on being the champs of soccer and keep going with the cooking. I cooked the pizza dough tonight. It turned out lovely. I highly recommend it. Good job with working out. I need to get my rear end in gear. You will be looking slim and sexy in 6 short weeks!

Nicole said...

Good luck. Maybe I will have to try this one.