Wednesday, December 31, 2008

We had a Great Christmas!!

Thanks to all Brian's hard work before surgery, and the help of family and some random person we all had a great Christmas at our house. Everyone got what they wanted and I even got a great new camera. The most important part was being together and all healthy. But thanks to Mr Smith's friend who left us a gift on Thanksgiving night. We will have to pay your generosity forward next year. Happy New Year everyone!! May we all be happy healthy and very loved in the year to come!!

Friday, December 26, 2008


We had a great Christmas at my Parent's house. Everyone was home, no boys on missions. Everyone gave great gifts, and everyone seemed to really like what they got. Thanks to everyone for your thought and effort for our gifts. Can't wait to go away to the Anniversary Inn, with no kids. Thanks Jeri Dawn and Jason, they even arranged the babysitter!!! Thanks mom and dad for the hard work you put in to all our gifts. We had a great day, even if my brother's are crazy. MERRY CHRISTMAS! (For some reason I have no pictures of Sierra, Mialee, and Boston by themselves, but they had a great time also.)

Should have bought that SNOWBLOWER!!!

Brian wanted to get a snowblower after last years snow. But I told him if we bought one it wouldn't snow and it would be a waste of money. Well I didn't know then that he would be out of commission this winter season, and me and Jordan would have to do it. Hindsight is 20-20. Maybe next year we will get one and won't have to use it. Happy snow everyone.


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tingey Family Christmas Party

On Monday night we had Brian's family Christmas Party. It had been scheduled and cancelled twice. So once we found out that Merick was going to be out of the hospital it was scheduled within hours. We missed Kevin and Lara and their girls - they are snowed in at Bear Lake. And we also missed Catrina and her kids, Dallas, Kahri and Brayden. It was fun to see Santa and Great Grandma. Merry Christmas

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Hayden!

Happy birthday to my little Hayden. Hayden is a very stubborn boy. I wanted him to wait to come until after Christmas, but he had a mind of his own, and came 15 days early on the 20th. He came so fast that his little face was bruised from the fast delivery(I didn't notice it, until I saw the pictures later) and he has been doing things his own way since. He is hilarious and mischevious, and quite the daredevil. He wanders at night, so we must make sure he is asleep before we finally go to bed. You can't convince him to do anything he doesn't want to do. As crazy as he is, we can't picture our family without him. WE LOVE YOU LITTLE MAN!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Brian and Christina Update!

Brian and Christina are both doing really well. The kidney is working awesome for her and she is almost within normal readings for some of her levels. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and love. Hope to be home soon!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Tingey family minus 3 siblings and spouses and 9 grandchildren
Brian and Christina with their matching toys
SURGERY DAY! It seemed like it couldn't get here fast enough for Christina's sake(she had to start diaylsis) but it has got here too fast for me. We are headed to the hospital very soon. Kids be good for Grandma and Nicole! We love you and will be thinking about you.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It took some convincing but I got them all there and looking gooood! Thanks to my mom for cutting the boys hair and Jen for plucking my eyebrows( just can't do it too myself) and to Cashena for coming over and doing mine and Morgan's hair. It was a group effort to get us all looking good. We finally have a family picture with Hayden in it.

Happy birthday to my little baby brother Darrin. You are getting soooooo old 22!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Brian has always wanted the month of December off from work. But he has never been able to save his vacation that long. He will get his wish this year, just not in the way he expected. On December 9th he will be donating his kidney to his sister Christina. Hopefully everything will go great, and both of them will heal quickly, and we can get back to celebrating this joyous time of the year(Brian's favorite time of the year) Thanks to my family for being willing to help out with the kids and my job. It is comforting to know that our kids will be loved, fed, and well cared for while we are at the hospital. Hopefully 4 boys won't drive Nicole crazy. Thanks to everyone, we love you and appreciate all your support.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


My Sister-In-Law Crystal tagged me so here it goes:Here are the rules:1. link to the person who tagged you. 2. post the rules on your blog.3. write six random things about yourself.4. tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.5. let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.6. let the tagger know when your entry is up.
1. I love to read, but since joining a book club, I have actually read less than before. I also read really fast, so sometimes I have to reread the first pages of a book to remember if I have read it or not. Thank goodness I now have a list of books on this site.
2. I loathe tardiness. It drives me crazy when people aren't on time.(patients) And it gets me even madder when the don't apologize!! How rude is that? So for this I over compensate and arrive everywhere way too early!
3. I wish I was OCD about cleaning and exercising. I would much rather Watch TV or Read, then do either of them. Maybe one day the OCD will kick in!
4. I can't stand it when the people's lips on TV aren't in sync with the words. We are in 2008 for heavens sake. Get it together.
5. I wish everyday that money will be in the mailbox. I don't know where I think it will come from, but maybe someday it will be in there.
6. I really think it is a waste to have a cell phone and a home phone. But I can't bring myself to actually cancel one. Someone might try to call me, and not know the other number(haHa)
I TAG anyone who wants to play along

Crazy Hayden!

Crazy Hayden!! We went to the mall on Payton's b-day, and Hayden had to ride the moving stairs. He freaked out when I couldn't take him, because I had the stroller. Brian and Payton were in the bathroom, so we took the elevator up, that is not what he wanted. So I carried everything down, including the stroller, because I couldn't find the other two. When we got to the bottom, Brian took him up and down one more time. Hayden is so stubborn, and wasn't going to be happy until he got his way.

Basketball Twilight and Cross-stitch

Morgan has been very busy these last few weeks. She has been playing basketball for the last few weeks, and she is improving. She also has picked up my love of reading, and stole Twilight from my reading room. I was going to make her wait a few years to read it, but she beat me to it. I did the same thing with my mom's Danielle Steele books, but I was a little older. It has only been 2 weeks and she is almost done with the first book. GO MORGAN!! She has also decided that achievement days aren't so bad, and she made a Thanksgiving cross stitch. Grandma helped tomake it into a pillow. Thanks Grandma

I fought the wall and the wall won!

Payton loves to draw so a couple of weeks a go he was hanging his art work, and school work on his bedroom door. The chair slipped and the door frame of the play room and his face met. Who do you think won? He almost bit through his lip, good thing he has a high tolerance for pain. I am amazed at how fast it healed only 1 Week.

Jordan made the Honor Roll!!

Drum roll please. Jordan made the first term Honor Roll!!! We are so proud of you keep up the good work, and make this a habit.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Happy Birthday Payton!

Payton turned 6 yesterday. I can't believe he is already so big. He is a great kid and LOVES Pirates. He really wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese but we will have to wait a little for that. He loves school and is a great big brother. We are so lucky to have him in our family!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy late Halloween! We had a great night with our little superboy, witch, and knight. The big kid was too cool to hang with his parents, so he went with Friends.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


If you know Brian at all you know he LOVES Halloween. So here is some of our fun decorations(scary) and fun carving those pumpkins.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Crazy fall fun

We have had a busy fall, 2 birthdays, braces off, Football, Soccer More football and Soccer, basketball, Doughnut nite, Lagoon, Top of Utah Marathon, and lots more fun to come. Happy Fall Everyone!

Crazy Fall Fun

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Finally-she shoots she scores!!!

Morgan had a comp soccer game tonight. She scored a goal and had an assist. The goal tied the game, and the assist won it for them. This is amazing-since this was the girl who would rather cry than go on the field. She has come a long way!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My mom tagged me a few weeks ago, I am just a little slow, but here it goes!
Eight Tv shows I love to watch
1. General Hospital
2. ER
3. Grey's anatomy
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Brothers and Sisters
6. NFL and Nascar
7. Big Brother
8. Biggest Loser

Eight things that happened yesterday
1. Took Brian to Work
2. Took the kids to school
3. Went to work
4. Went to the bank - twice
5. Took Morgan to Basketball practice
6. Took Morgan to Soccer Practice
7. Went to Walmart
8. Watched Brian play Flag Football with his buddies from work

Eight favorite places to eat
1. Timbermine
2. Wingers
3. My mom's
4. Burger Bar
Can't think of any more

Eight things I am looking forward to
1. Christmas
2. Thanksgiving
3. Not my birthday
4. Payton b-day
5. Hayden's b-day
6. Being debt free (don't think that will happen)
7. The glow of the Christmas tree in the front room window
8. Retirement

Eight things on my wish list
1. Weigh what I did when Jordan was born - HAHA
2. That the apple tree in the backyard will grow money instead of apples
3. That report cards are all A's
4. That Brian gets the job he wants a K-C
5. That the Bears have a winning season
6. New attractive wardrobe
7. Quitting my job - one day
8. NO STRESS!!!!!

Eight people I tag
1. Don't think 8 people look at this blog, so anyone who hasn't done it yet

Monday, September 29, 2008



Saturday, September 6, 2008

Buster The Best Dog in Heaven

Sadly on Morgan's b-day Buster went to Heaven. Buster was the family dog, who was so wonderful. There were hardly any times that Buster didn't greet us when got to Grandma's. He was a gentle giant. He helped to keep my babies safe while they explored Grandma and Grandpa's yard. He will be greatly missed!

Morgan is 10!! WOW

Yesterday was Morgan's 10th Birthday. I can't believe how the years have flown by. Morgan loves HSM and the Jonas Brothers. She is very creative and is loving playing on the Competition Soccer Team the FIRECRACKERS! She scored her first goal(in comp)
last week and was very excited. She is very fun to have in our family,and keeps us guessing. WE LOVE HER!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Payton's 1st day of Kindergarten

Yesterday was the first day of Kindergarten. Payton was so excited. He was ready to go @ 7:30, school doesn't start until 8:30. He told me he could walk by himself, I said I need to walk you, he said NO. He didn't understand that as a MOM I needed to walk him, for me. Today when I dropped him off at the driveway to the school, he looked so little. I can't believe he is that big already. He is the boy that is cuddly and loving and always needs his HUG KISS goodbye. I am going to miss him. Hayden had a hard time today at first without his big brother. HE LOVES HIM, AND PAYTON LOVES SCHOOL! NEW ADVENTURES