Saturday, November 22, 2008

Basketball Twilight and Cross-stitch

Morgan has been very busy these last few weeks. She has been playing basketball for the last few weeks, and she is improving. She also has picked up my love of reading, and stole Twilight from my reading room. I was going to make her wait a few years to read it, but she beat me to it. I did the same thing with my mom's Danielle Steele books, but I was a little older. It has only been 2 weeks and she is almost done with the first book. GO MORGAN!! She has also decided that achievement days aren't so bad, and she made a Thanksgiving cross stitch. Grandma helped tomake it into a pillow. Thanks Grandma


Nicole said...

Morgan I wish I loved reading as much as you. Let us know about some basketball games, and we will try to make it to some.

Nancy Mc said...

Morgan, you are a wonderful girl!It was so fun to spend time with you making the pillow. Keep on reading. It will take you places that you may never get to go, but through reading you experience the world.