Saturday, November 22, 2008


My Sister-In-Law Crystal tagged me so here it goes:Here are the rules:1. link to the person who tagged you. 2. post the rules on your blog.3. write six random things about yourself.4. tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.5. let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.6. let the tagger know when your entry is up.
1. I love to read, but since joining a book club, I have actually read less than before. I also read really fast, so sometimes I have to reread the first pages of a book to remember if I have read it or not. Thank goodness I now have a list of books on this site.
2. I loathe tardiness. It drives me crazy when people aren't on time.(patients) And it gets me even madder when the don't apologize!! How rude is that? So for this I over compensate and arrive everywhere way too early!
3. I wish I was OCD about cleaning and exercising. I would much rather Watch TV or Read, then do either of them. Maybe one day the OCD will kick in!
4. I can't stand it when the people's lips on TV aren't in sync with the words. We are in 2008 for heavens sake. Get it together.
5. I wish everyday that money will be in the mailbox. I don't know where I think it will come from, but maybe someday it will be in there.
6. I really think it is a waste to have a cell phone and a home phone. But I can't bring myself to actually cancel one. Someone might try to call me, and not know the other number(haHa)
I TAG anyone who wants to play along


Nancy Mc said...

I like these tags. I learn something everytime I read one. Thanks for playing along.

Darwin, Jen, Jensyn, Hurley, Violet, and Daphne said...

I love these things cause of the new interesting things I learn (I already knew that you love to read and that you have to be EARLY wherever you go). I did not know that you want the lips and sound to be in sync-that does make a lot of sense though. (I too wish that I was OCD about cleaning and exercise.)

Travis and Crystal said...

haha you are hilarious. i am the same with the money in the mailbox! I also wish I were OCD about those things. Thanks for doing the tag!

The Johnson Fam said...

You are so funny! I love to learn crazy things about people. The tardiness thing makes me laugh, you are always so good about being on time. Me, not so much, I always feel like I am two steps behind.

jamck said...

I just tagged Brian!